Spine care essentials for pregnant women

Spine being one of the most important parts of our body demands extra care and attention from each one of us. This requirement keeps changing as we move through various lifestyle-based transformations in life.

A pregnant woman has to be extra careful about her body when she is going through this critical phase. Since spine has a very powerful role to play in her journey, she needs to make sure that extra care is taken of the same so that it doesn’t cause her any additional pains or discomfort.

There are certain spine care essentials that every pregnant woman needs to be aware of to keep herself physically fit while carrying a growing foetus. Take a quick look to know what these tips are:

  • Avoid wearing heels during this phase of life. Chop them off your life completely for these 9 months. Go for flats and comfortable footwear to not put any pressure on your spine while walking.
  • Avoid overreaching. Twisting your neck put you in major troubles. Hire a house help for yourself during this stage. Or simply get up from the bed to get your things in an easier manner.
  • Do not lift heavy items. You need to maintain a balance. Keep things at the centre of your waist instead of putting pressure on your stomach, shoulders or backbone.
  • Indulge yourself in everyday workout. Ask your doctor about what suits your body the best at this time. Getting involved in physical activities at this point of time will turn out to be highly beneficial for you.
  • Do not stay in the same position for elongated hours. Keep changing sides while sleeping.
  • Take a break when working on desk. Do not keep sitting in the same place for too long or it will put your body into acute aches.

Suffering from spine related disorders? We can help you get the best treatment! Our team at Innovative Spine and Wellness can provide you the best kind of help for your spine related troubles. Visit our official website today to acquire more details about our services, staff and treatments. Call us up to gain deeper insights into the same. You may also drop a mail for clearing away your queries and dilemmas. We wish to hear from you soon. Stay healthy and fit!