Food for Spinal Health
The health of the human body and its various parts is dependent upon the nutritional status of the body. The food that human body takes in directly affects the health of the different body parts. Malnutrition or a lack of essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the body lead to health issues in the various body parts. The spine is the main stay of the human body and the food that is taken is affects the health of the spine directly.
There are certain foods that are essentially to be consumed to maintain a healthy spine. A balanced diet containing vitamins and other nutrients is essential to maintain the bone health. Food with proper nutrients when consumed strengthens the tissues of the spine and also ensures that the spinal muscles, bones and tissues do not get inflamed and cause spinal problems.
When the spinal cord does not get the necessary nutrients from the food consumed, the spine gets prone to various types of spinal ailments that may lead to various health issues. For a healthy spine, it is also essential to take in nutritional anti-inflammatory food. Some foods that are important for a healthy spine include:
- Plant-based proteins: Plant-based proteins like lentils, beans, nuts and chia seeds provide the essential nutrients to the spine. These foods also do not cause any inflammation in the body. These foods also provide the essential anti-oxidants and fibers that help the spine to remain healthy.
- Salmon, flaxseeds and seaweed: These foods are good for the health of the spine. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids and provide the necessary nutrition to the spine. These foods also strengthen the bones and tissues of the spine thereby leading to a healthy spine.
- Omega-9 fatty acids: Foods rich in omega-9 fatty acids like olive oil, sesame oil and avocados are very beneficial for the spinal health. These foods contain good fats and are also anti-inflammatory thereby leading to a healthy spine.
- Deep green vegetables: Deep green vegetables like spinach, broccoli and kale can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the spine and also the spinal bones and muscles. These foods provide necessary nutrition to the spine to enable it to fight various types of ailments.
- Complex carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates like oatmeal and whole wheat bread are essential for the spine to fight inflammation.
- Calcium rich foods: Foods rich in calcium like cheese, milk and yoghurt are very good for the spinal health. These foods strengthen the bones of the spine and make it healthy.
Innovative Spine and Wellness is dedicated to providing care to the spine. We work with people who face spinal problems and ensure that they overcome these problems effectively. We use the best technology and techniques to treat spinal problems.